Data Breach Monitoring
According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, the majority of hacking-related breaches stem from compromised or weak passwords. We empower companies to reset stolen credentials before criminals can exploit them.
Breachsense was founded in 2018 after nearly two decades of providing penetration testing and red teaming services to financial and government clients worldwide. The idea behind Breachsense was born from the realization that publicly available breached credentials, such as usernames, passwords, and session tokens, could be used to access otherwise secure networks.
The average person reuses the same password across four different accounts, meaning that even if your organization is secure, your users' credentials could be exposed elsewhere. Rather than waiting for an attack, Breachsense enables you to proactively defend your users whose passwords have been compromised. Breachsense provides real-time alerts when your users' credentials appear in [infostealer logs]( (malware infected devices), combo logs, and [third-party data breaches](

Our Mission
Our mission is to prevent account fraud. For our enterprise clients, we provide real-time notifications when staff credentials appear in stealer logs, combo lists, and third-party breaches. This enables security teams to reset passwords or terminate session tokens before they’re exploited.
Verified security consultants and managed security providers can use Breachsense to help protect their clients by gaining visibility into their clients’ leaked credentials. Pen Testers and Red Teams can leverage the data to escalate privileges and bypass multi-factor authentication during engagements as well.
To reduce false positives, Breachsense cracks hashed passwords when possible, allowing you to assess the actual risk based on whether the password is still in use. Additionally, verified security providers can access third-party data without requiring their clients to make any DNS or HTTP changes.
Our API offers flexible integration compatible with virtually any application, SIEM, or browser. With the industry’s largest collection of breached credentials, let our offense become your defense.